Monday, December 17, 2012

What is New Media?

New media is what ever you want it to be, it is an ever-changing definition. The types of technologies that are apart of new media is first and foremost the internet. It is an interactive hub of information that can be easily accessed through search engines and any form of search. Other technologies are online news websites, social media networks such as Facebook or There can even be user based sites where the user is the controller of the world that they participate in virtually.

Internet plays a very big part in new media because without it we would not have access to the newest forms of media that is out there. Most media mediums are all web based. You can not go to a place called Facebook to do the same thing you do on its website. EVERYTHING is virtual and the internet is the home place for it all.

New media will always replace old media because as new sites, apps and forms of technologies are developed, information will only get spread faster and faster. Old media took time and needed to be presented in the style the the medium required, but with websites like Twitter there is no room to get fancy because you are limited to 140 characters.

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