Monday, December 17, 2012


In the New York Times article "Twittter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers" author Claire Miller describes the basis of the social networking site Twitter and how it has set itself apart from other sight. Like everything on the internet, ideas come from its users and how they utilized the platform that they are given.

The founders of Twitter followed the same concept and has manage to set itself apart from its competitors. The article then goes on to describe how companies like this allow for virtual users use new media to foster their creativity.

People take the tools that they are given and add on features that the developers may not have thought of. The example given in the article is the "@" symbol used as a way to easily refer to other users so that they are linked to the message that was posted. Twitter then developed this by allowed the "@" symbol in front of a user to name to easily reference someone or easily find all the post they were tagged in.

New Media fosters creativity mainly because users want to make it easy to be apart of the virtual world that they are in.

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