Monday, December 17, 2012

Social Networking Sites

The following sites I am going to talk about it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.

Facebook- As mentioned in my previous post, Facebook is something I no longer uses because of the users not the actual abilities of the website. It was a place for my friends and I to connect. When I first started using it, it was to connect with friends that I have made from different schools and programs that I have been apart of. From there, advertising was available for business and I think that it was drove down its exclusivity. I hate that hackers can get in and post pictures about rare Jordan's and tag over 300 people on it. I also do not like the newsfeed feature. Twitter is a place for constant news feed because it is fast paced, there is no need for it on Facebook because it defeats the purpose of having to go to peoples profiles and looking at what they have posted.

Twitter- Twitter is a fast paced social site that limits me to express what I want to 140 characters. I enjoy twitter for news and entertainment information because I can basically get my news and information as it is happening. Other than that Twitter really has no place for me. I am not always on it so keeping up with all the information that is fed can sometimes be exhausting or too hard to follow.

Instagram- I enjoy Instagram a lot. When I first got my iPhone is was one of the first applications that I downloaded and something that I turned a lot of my friends on to. It was enjoyable to be apart of something that was very specific to my phone. I was not too trilled when Android had availability to it, but it didn't make anything about the application change. I had a MySpace and a Facebook for the pictures. I am a visual person, so seeing what happened rather than reading about it was more interesting to me.

Tumblr- Tumblr is something that is new to me, but I enjoy it because it is censor free. Anything could be posted on Tumblr without worrying about policies that the site host. I think as long as you don't threaten to kill someone for real Tumblr does not seem to mind. What I find on this site is that most of the interesting people I follow have a set theme or purpose for their tumblr. Some are dedicated to sex, or the zodiac, or just people who are either famous or not who post pivotal points of their day. My favorite person to follow is She is a model with a lot of tattoos and a smart mouth. The responses that she puts up in response to the questions her followers ask her a bit hilarious.

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