Monday, December 17, 2012

Old vs. New

Old media vs. New Media

 New media is a media that goes with the times. What was considered new media in the time before the internet what news papers, magaziens and television. Now new media is considered the internet and can even go down to saying that blogs and social media sights are considered new media. 
One example from the reading is about how quick TMZ was able to report of Michael Jacksons death. They were the first website to say that he was found and being taken to the hospital. 
Andrew Savikas goes on to explain in his Forbes article, "Media: Don't Fear New Technologies" how media is going to change and that we should not fear this change but rather embrace it.

Old media is a form that was popular but that is barely or not even used anymore. When someone says to send them an email, other alternative communications could be made that are faster and more direct. For example instead of emailing one could send a text, or to be even faster a tweet.

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